20 Funny Parenting Memes That Will Make You Feel Seen

Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. I always say that humor is the best way to cope with the struggles of parenthood (because if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry). Here are a few of my favorite funny parenting memes that were created from some of those everyday moments that will make you feel seen.

My Baby Grew Up And I Didn’t Even Know It

It happened just like that. You’re not a baby anymore. When you decided to potty train yourself over a year ago as a toddler, I thought it was a fluke. “Surely he’ll regress,” I thought. My other boys were much older when they potty trained. I didn’t want to set my expectations too high. When……

How Post-Partum Sleep Deprivation Led to My Most Embarrassing Moment Ever (It Involves a Gas Pump)

What happened was not only humiliating, but it could have been very costly and dangerous. A few months after having my first child, I had returned to work full-time. I was in a state of major sleep deprivation, although at the time I didn’t realize quite how bad it really was. Maybe this story will help someone avoid the same mistake!

Why Antidepressants Make Me a Better Mom

For me, antidepressants ARE life saving. Not just in the physical sense of keeping me safe from my own brain, but also from a quality of life standpoint. I am able to LIVE life because of antidepressants instead of just BEING alive.

It can be hard to admit that I still struggle sometimes. But here it is. My name is Kristen. I am 1 in 5.

The Power of Showing Up

We aren’t meant to go through life alone. Our children, our families, and our friends need us to show up…both physically and mentally. Read about how the action of being there for someone leaves a powerful impact upon them.

What it’s REALLY like to be a Work-at-Home Mom

“Working from home lets you be at home with your kids!” “You get the best of both worlds!” “You’ll have more flexibility and control over your schedule!” These are some things you might hear if you’re a mom contemplating working from home.  And it’s so easy to believe them.  But being a work-at-home mom not……

4 Weird Observations From an Instagram Newbie

Lately I’ve been working really hard on my Instagram account for this blog.  I’ve used Instagram plenty for my personal photos on a private account, but this is my first time using Instagram for business purposes and seeing a different side of the IG world. I’ve hooked up with a few networks to help build……