Lately I’ve been working really hard on my Instagram account for this blog. I’ve used Instagram plenty for my personal photos on a private account, but this is my first time using Instagram for business purposes and seeing a different side of the IG world.
I’ve hooked up with a few networks to help build followers with what is called a “follow loop.” The idea is that everyone who is looking to build a specific type of following shares their profile and you follow one another and hopefully build relationships with others who work in a similar niche.
After doing this for a few weeks I’ve noticed some things. Some weird things. As technology changes it never fails to remind me that I am getting old. I’ve literally looked at several hundred profiles this week (mostly other bloggers; if you have a different type of account then this may not pertain to you so don’t get offended. 😊)…and here are some trends that really stuck out.
Thing #1: There Are A LOT of Child Models
Dude. I never knew this world existed…accounts for children who are aspiring/current models. So many pictures of little kids wearing different outfits. So.Many. And they all say “my mom runs my account!” Well…duh. Considering your child isn’t even old enough to read, I assumed someone else was handling “their” Instagram.

Thing #2: Apparently “Collabs” is a Word
I find this so funny. Almost every profile has “DM for collabs!” I never thought about abbreviating the word “collaboration.” I don’t get the appeal. But, I guess now I know this is the “cool” thing to do.
Thing #3: People Try to be TOO Perfect
So many Instagram feeds purport to be the “average mom” or “average family,” but…you’re not. All your pics are overly posed, highly edited and TOO PERFECT. It drives me crazy. Real life isn’t having a professional photographer following you around. Everyone is always smiling. Makeup is always on point. Kids are impeccably dressed and homes perfectly decorated. It’s obvious that this isn’t “real,” and I wonder who on earth would want to follow someone’s account who looks like this. What’s the point?

Thing #4: Creepers Abound On Instagram
It’s very obvious that I’m happily married, yet I’ve already had multiple messages from weirdos.
Here’s one glorious example of how things ususally go:
Creeper: “Hello beautiful lady”
Me: (does not respond)
Creeper: “Your looks is so lovely.”
Me: (does not respond).
Creeper: “Are you for a chat?”
Me: Thinking…ew, no! Get the message! I’m not responding for a reason. *BLOCK*
Another one:
Creeper: “Hey pretty it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
Me: Thinking…ugh don’t call me ‘pretty’ you weirdo. *BLOCK*
I don’t understand the plethora of unsolicited messages. It’s just WEIRD.
Well there you have it. I definitely feel like a fish out of water on Instagram but I think I’m getting the hang of it.
Someone out there tell me I’m not alone! What do you think of these observations? Is there anything interesting that you’ve noticed on Instagram profiles?