Happy Friday! I’m starting a new weekly series where I can share a few anecdotes from the week that will make you smile and post a roundup of awesome stuff that has caught my attention lately. I hope you enjoy!
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Something crazy that happened this week
I think I got scammed yesterday. A girl was selling magazines door to door. She told me her story about being recently homeless and her desires to turn her life around. She seemed very sincere, nice, and funny…but still looked a little rough. I totally believed her. I mean, I’m ALWAYS completely aware things like this could be a scam. I’m not stupid. But I wanted to believe I was helping her. Well I just went online and read all these horrible reviews about the company she was from. There were many bad reviews of this company of people not getting their magazines, but on top of that were some really scary stories of them coming back and burglarizing homes and other criminal activity…which freaked me out! At this point, I don’t really care if I get the magazines. I just hope no one comes back and tries to rob my house or clean out my bank account (but the one I used is an extra account which has hardly any money in it anyway). I also gave her a Book of Mormon and told her not to give up on turning her life around. We both talked about how God gives us hope in our lives. Anyway…what’s your take? Was I fooled? This experience reminded me of a great post a friend wrote entitled “I Got Scammed– But I Won’t Stop Giving.”
Something awesome that happened this week
Thomas got a haircut and didn’t cry! This is a huge deal for him. He gets anxiety about certain things and cries and cries in anticipation of going certain places, like the doctor. And to get a haircut. He cried and told me how scared he was. But his hair was getting so long so we just had to do it. Surprisingly, he did just awesome! I normally have to have him sit on my lap, but not this time. He was smiling pretty much the whole time. Go Thomas!
Weekly Roundup of Awesomeness
Here’s a few things I’ve discovered recently and am LOVING. I’ve broken it down into categories similar to the “4 Things for Christmas” theme.
Something You Want
Brown-tinted dry shampoo. Dry shampoo always left white stuff all over my hair no matter what I did. I randomly picked up brown-tinted dry shampoo at Ulta a few weeks back and I love it. It works super well, and no white stuff! Wash your hands when you are doing using it though, because there is a little brown residue that gets on your hands. Brunettes, try this:
Batiste Dry Shampoo, Dark & Deep Brown 6.73 oz
Something You Need
Walmart Grocery Pickup! If you haven’t tried this, you’re missing out! It’s completely free and you still have access to the local sale prices and you can order a wide variety of things. This saves makes shopping much more efficient and helps me avoid impulse purchases. I’ve always had great experiences with the produce that gets picked out and everything. Use my link and get $10 your first shopping trip.
Something to Wear
Nine West Heels. Okay…these shoes are everything! I picked them up at the outlet mall a few months back. I think they are so fun, but they are also really comfortable and easy to walk in. I wear them almost every week to church and my feet never hurt! Below is a pic of one of my favorite outfits with these shoes.
Nine West Women’s Enchanting Leather Heeled Sandal

Something to Read
Braving The Wilderness. Okay, if you haven’t read something by Brene Brown, you need to! Her books have literally been life changing for me. Her latest book, Braving The Wilderness, is particularly applicable to the current culture and political climate that we are facing in the United States (and the world). The world would be a much better place if we followed Dr. Brown’s recommendations. I prefer to listen to audiobooks on Audible rather than actually read them…but that still counts, right?!
If you’re not ready to buy the book yet, get a feel for her style by listening to her Ted Talk The Power of Vulnerability.
Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone
Speaking of reading, did you catch this post that was published on the blog a few weeks back?

What’s on your reading list? If you’d like me to feature your blog in upcoming posts, please drop a link in the comments!
Have an awesome weekend!
Those shoes are EVERYTHING!