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I want to just preface this entire story with some background information. This happened a few months after having my first child and I had returned to work full-time. I was in a state of major sleep deprivation, although at the time I didn’t realize quite how bad it really was.
It was hurricane season and I lived near the Texas coast. One morning on my way to work, I stopped to get gas because there was a hurricane in the gulf and I wanted to make sure I didn’t get stuck in long lines later. The gas station was right around the corner from where I worked and everyone stopped there.
I pulled up, started pumping gas and ran inside to get myself a soda. I was already in a hurry because I was running late, so as soon as I paid for my drink I ran out out to my car and got in, turned it on, and started pulling away. I felt a pull and a big “pop” noise. Immediately I knew what happened. With a cringe on my face, I looked back, and see the hose spraying gasoline and the entire front panel of the pump was torn off. For a second I thought about driving away, because I knew the humiliation that awaited me.
But I decided to face my fate and I went inside the gas station. I saw a long line of people waiting to pay for their tacos (if you live in South Texas, you know the tacos I’m talking about). I saw some lady complaining about her tacos, and I thought, “no one is going to care what you’re saying in about two seconds.”
I interrupted the woman and told the clerk, “I broke the gas pump.” He looked confused and asked, “huh? Oh, well, there’s not gas spilling, is there?” Then several employees looked outside, and said, “Oh crap!” and shut off all the pumps. Then the clerk ran outside and looked at the pump, ran back inside and yelled out, “the pump is completely destroyed!” and then he gathered some caution tape and what looked like kitty litter to put on the gasoline. There are about 10-15 people at this point staring at me like I am a COMPLETE IDIOT (I felt like one). I just kept standing there, not knowing what to do. It was the epitome of embarrassment.
The clerk took down my license plate number and I waited around for a while. I wasn’t sure if the employees were going to call the police to make a report, but after a while the obviously annoyed clerk asked me, “What are you still doing here?” and then told me that I could leave and they would take care of it. Apparently they have insurance that covers this kind of thing. Who knew?
When I got to work I was crying and told my boss what happened. She tried to make me feel better by telling me about scatterbrained things she did when she was a new mother. Sleep deprivation has a huge- HUGE– effect on your mind and memory (read more about that here).
The best part of this story was later when my boss’ boss came in the office and said to everyone, “I ended up being late today because the whole gas station was closed because some idiot broke the gas pump!” He ended up laughing when I told him it was me, and I ended up laughing, too. Oops!
So, that’s the story. It’s one that never seems to stop being funny no matter how many times I tell it.
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
Want to listen to me tell this story on a podcast? Check out the Fancy Free Podcast: Kristen Gardiner on the Crazy Way to Get a Gas Station Souvenir.
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Are you pregnant or newly postpartum?
We all need a bit of help after we have a baby–clearly, you can tell that by reading my story. While we can’t anticipate everything that comes up, planning can help. Check out this awesome Pregnancy Planner and Postpartum Handbook for a little extra support.
I also HIGHLY recommend this handle device from Clever Elly. This device plugs into your car’s power outlet and provides alternating reminders when your car turns off to check your back seat to ensure that in the middle of postpartum brain fog, no one gets accidentally left in the car. Clever Elly is compatible with all cars.

That would be hard to to do. Going back into the store and tell them your broke the gas pump. Isn’t it always the case that when you have to admit something like that, that there seems to be a lot more people around than you would prefer. Makes it even more embarrassing. But good that you can laugh at it and yourself.
Oh my goodness that is too funny! I loved how your boss’ boss came in later and said he was late!! I bet he felt pretty silly. Those first few postpartum sleepless nights led me to do some crazy things! I was constantly putting my car keys in the fridge. It almost became standard practice that if I couldn’t find something we would look in the fridge first!
I think the worst thing I did was make coffee and forgot to put the carafe back in. I went to finish getting ready and came back to coffee all over the floor!
Oh my goodness – this is TOO relateable. Thankfully, I’ve never driven off with the gas hose still connected, but just today, I found a package of tortilla shells in the kitchen utensil drawer, so there’s that….
Sleep deprivation does crazy things to your brain!
Kudos to you for going back! It’s not the same, but I had to report to the hotel front desk clerk that my kid pooped in the pool once…that was a tough one.
I’m sure I probably don’t even know all of the silly things I have done in the depths of sleep deprivation. Mine usually involve inappropriate tears tho haha. Great story!!