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I love sending out Christmas cards. It’s one of the traditions I’ve actually stuck with over the years because I personally love receiving Christmas cards, especially with photos. I’m always looking for new and unique Christmas card ideas. But receivers of holiday cards typically ask two questions: Where should I display them? And: What should we do with the cards after the holiday season is over?
Sticker & Co has an innovative solution for displaying and preserving holiday cards: making them into stickers and decals!

Here’s How it Works:
To create your holiday Sticker Greeting Card, you upload photos like you normally would online, and then choose whether you want your card to be a permanent sticker or a wall decal. When your loved one receives their card, they can peel your photo off and place it wherever they like.
The permanent stickers can be used to decorate laptops, water bottles, mugs, and more. They are dishwasher safe so they won’t come off! Decals can be placed on walls, refrigerators, laptops, desks, and more. They are paint safe and can be removed with ease and repositioned.
I’ve compiled some unique Christmas card ideas and ways you can enjoy these sticker greeting cards long after the holiday season.

1. A Photo Album of Family and Friends for your baby or toddler
Creating a photo album for babies and toddlers who are learning to identify family members and say their names is a way to enjoy multiple uses of the Christmas cards you receive. You can have a “deconstructed” photo album by placing your Sticker & Co holiday greeting cards on the fridge where your child can look at them or you can use them to make a book where your child can flip through the images over and over again. Then you or your child can point to each person and say their names. This helps children make connections between faces, names, and relationships.

2. Separate the Photo From the Greeting for Year-round Enjoyment
Another cool feature of Sticker & Co’s new photo holiday greeting cards is that the photo and your message peel off on separate stickers so you can display each however you want them. A card you can disassemble is a unique Christmas card idea if I’ve ever heard one! After the holidays you might decide to discard the greeting/message portion and keep the photo so you can enjoy it all year long.
Grandparents in particular are especially happy to receive more pictures of their grandbabies! This tangible reminder of loved ones can help them feel connected even when family and friends may live far away. Holiday greeting card stickers allow them to keep the photos and discard the greeting portion so they can display their loved ones’ photos so it never looks out of season.

3. Create a Keepsake for Loved Ones On-the-go
Family or friends who must be away from home for long periods of time will appreciate a greeting card sticker as a keepsake they can take with them wherever they go. Older children in college, people who travel a lot for work, and those in the armed forces might have limited space to display photos. A permanent sticker on a laptop or a decal that can be removed and relocated can easily keep the sight of loved ones in close proximity wherever they are.
If you’re looking for unique Christmas card ideas that will delight your family and friends and be enjoyed all year long, try Sticker & Co’s new photo holiday greeting cards! The possibilities are endless. Save 20% sitewide with code HOLIDAY20. Valid 11/1- 1/31/23. You’ll never look at Christmas cards the same way again.