Dear Husband: Thank You for Supporting Your Wife through Depression

My dear husband,

When we got married, you didn’t know I had depressionI didn’t know I had depression. We wouldn’t know I had depression until I became pregnant with our first child. Then everything changed in more ways than one. You had no idea you were about to be supporting your wife through depression.

You and I always wanted children together. It was something we talked about for years and looked forward to. So when I got that positive pregnancy test while both of us were still in grad school, we were elated. Everything seemed like it was going perfectly.

Then when the second trimester hit, I started feeling awful all the time. I had morning sickness in the first trimester, but this was different. I cried a lot, and felt extreme dread at the thought of going anywhere. I was consumed by darkness and couldn’t see past it no matter how hard I tried. I felt hopeless. I felt defeated.

This was not the girl you married.

{Read the rest of this post on, where it was originally published.}

Husband looking at wife in wedding dress and supporting your wife through depression