My Parenting Choices Might Suck, but It’s the Best I Can Do

Posted in:Mental Health, Parenthood

I see judgmental comments about parenting choices on social media constantly, ranging from what parents feed their kids for dinner, how and when they eat, and what parents should do differently. But remember we aren’t always seeing the whole picture. We are not snapshots. We are people. And most of us, really and truly, are doing our best.

When the Holidays Aren’t Happy

Posted in:Mental Health, Parenthood

The holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of the year. But what if they’re not? A heart-wrenching experience that I had a few years ago right before Christmas has forever changed what I think about during the holidays. If you’re struggling, you’re not alone.


10 Things I Tell Myself When Anxiety Overwhelms Me

Posted in:Mental Health

Anxiety tries to tell me I must control everything. I can get so worked up by the smallest things and I am learning how to talk myself down. It’s a difficult process, but one that I’m learning is very important for my mental health. Here’s 10 ways that I speak truth to my anxiety.

Going to Therapy is My Self-Care

Posted in:Mental Health

Depression sucks. It sucks because the way it affects you can change throughout time and circumstances. It’s a moving target. I recently felt my depression hit me harder than it has in a very long time and it taught me a valuable lesson about self-care.


Mental Health in Motherhood: Our Stories

Posted in:Mental Health, Parenthood

Real moms share personal stories about their struggles with mental health in motherhood. Some women have struggled during pregnancy, post-partum, and during stressful times of motherhood. Other moms have long-term conditions that they have learned to manage and cope with. Find hope and validation in these stories.

Why “No Excuses” is a B.S. Motivational Phrase

Posted in:Mental Health

NO EXCUSES: I absolutely hate this phrase. I exercised today for the first time in months. It was hard and felt great and I’m proud of myself. But during my workout I reflected on WHY I haven’t exercised much recently, and the difficulties I finally feel like I’m moving past, it reminded me of why……

What It Feels Like to Be a Mom Who Wants to Die

Posted in:Mental Health, Parenthood

During my third pregnancy I suddenly plunged into a level of darkness that I never knew. Getting through each day became harder and harder and I eventually hit my breaking point. The conflicting emotions of depression and loving your children makes this struggle all the more painful.