Going to Therapy is My Self-Care

Depression sucks. It sucks because the way it affects you can change throughout time and circumstances. It’s a moving target. I recently felt my depression hit me harder than it has in a very long time and it taught me a valuable lesson about self-care.

Mental Health in Motherhood: Our Stories

Real moms share personal stories about their struggles with mental health in motherhood. Some women have struggled during pregnancy, post-partum, and during stressful times of motherhood. Other moms have long-term conditions that they have learned to manage and cope with. Find hope and validation in these stories.

What It Feels Like to Be a Mom Who Wants to Die

During my third pregnancy I suddenly plunged into a level of darkness that I never knew. Getting through each day became harder and harder and I eventually hit my breaking point. The conflicting emotions of depression and loving your children makes this struggle all the more painful.

Why Antidepressants Make Me a Better Mom

For me, antidepressants ARE life saving. Not just in the physical sense of keeping me safe from my own brain, but also from a quality of life standpoint. I am able to LIVE life because of antidepressants instead of just BEING alive.

It can be hard to admit that I still struggle sometimes. But here it is. My name is Kristen. I am 1 in 5.

I Wasn’t Prepared to be a Mom

This post contains affiliate links.  Please read our disclosure policy for full details. I had my first baby in 2010 and to be honest, I didn’t know much about being a mother at all. I’m not sure how the universe allowed me to have a child when I was so clueless about everything.  As a……