My Husband Fainted While I Was in Labor

Anything can happen during labor. I had complications with my epidural, one of which was my husband passing out. Find out what happened afterwards and how you can avoid this happening when you give birth to your baby.

A Letter to Labor and Delivery Nurses

This post contains affiliate links.  Please read our disclosure policy for full details. Dear Labor and Delivery Nurses: Your work is so very important and special.  Unfortunately it is often underappreciated. Doctors often get the credit for the safe arrival of a healthy baby while you have spent the majority of the time caring for……

I Had a Natural Birth Against My Will

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for full details. My water broke when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my third baby boy. I was soooo ready to get that baby out! It had been a rough pregnancy. It was about 6:00 in the evening so I ate dinner before heading to……