If you’re a mom with anxiety or depression, you’re not alone! Humor is always something that helps me make light of some of the hard stuff, so hopefully some of these funny mental health memes for moms with anxiety will give you a giggle! 1. Parenting with anxiety is a blast View this post on……
The Power of a Friend’s Hug During an Emotional Breakdown
There’s nothing like the power of a friend’s hug. Let me tell you a story. “I need to talk to you,” I said in a message to my friend. I was spiraling after a tough afternoon and felt like my world was spinning out of control. I couldn’t stop crying. I often hesitate to reach……
Dear Husband: Thank You for Supporting Your Wife through Depression
My dear husband, When we got married, you didn’t know I had depression. I didn’t know I had depression. We wouldn’t know I had depression until I became pregnant with our first child. Then everything changed in more ways than one. You had no idea you were about to be supporting your wife through depression. You and I……
How to Respond When People Say “You Think That’s Hard?”
People say the darndest things when you talk about your struggles, don’t they? Here’s how to respond when people say “You Think That’s Hard?”
Sometimes Depression Feels Like a Cage
Depression feels like a mental cage.
It’s frustrating when my brain keeps me from doing things I know I can do. I feel like a cheetah trapped in a cage when I could be running up to 90mph if given the chance. But I am not free.
I Never Wanted to Take Medication For Mental Health
I never wanted to take medication for mental health. Asking for “help” for depression and anxiety was literally the last thing I wanted to do. But after exhausting all other options, it was my only choice.
Why People With Depression Don’t Reach Out For Help
“Reach out for help.” This is such a simple phrase. But putting those words into action feels anything but simple when you are in the throes of depression. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years and I know that I should tell someone when I’m struggling and reach out for help. But there is a huge mental block that often prevents me from doing so. And it’s not for the reasons that you might think.
10 Mental Health Memes That Help Break The Stigma of Depression and Anxiety
These mental health memes were created to help remove that stigma of anxiety, depression, and other mental illness. Sharing these mental health memes can make a difference. These memes highlight some of the main messages I hope the world can learn and accept.
Without Modern Medicine, Would I Be Here Today?
I wouldn’t be a mother without modern medicine. I experienced perinatal depression during my first pregnancy. I felt fatigued, sad, and unable to do many normal activities. I couldn’t see a future where I could be happy. My husband convinced me to talk to my doctor, and after a lot of resistance, I finally did.
If You Care About My Mental Health During Covid, Then Take Precautions Seriously
Mental health during Covid is a concern for many, including myself. I’ve seen many, many comments of people saying they want everything open and have zero restrictions so that people’s mental health won’t suffer staying home. What they aren’t seeing is eliminating these restrictions would keep people who are concerned about their health at home, when they are the ones who need to be able to get out the most. That includes people like me who are concerned about their physical health AND their mental health. We need to address both.