Funny Mental Health Memes for Moms with Anxiety

If you’re a mom with anxiety or depression, you’re not alone! Humor is always something that helps me make light of some of the hard stuff, so hopefully some of these funny mental health memes for moms with anxiety will give you a giggle! 1. Parenting with anxiety is a blast View this post on……

Dear Husband: Thank You for Supporting Your Wife through Depression

My dear husband, When we got married, you didn’t know I had depression. I didn’t know I had depression. We wouldn’t know I had depression until I became pregnant with our first child. Then everything changed in more ways than one. You had no idea you were about to be supporting your wife through depression. You and I……

I’m Almost 40 And Still Have Body Image Struggles as a Mom

Leaving body image struggles as mom unaddressed and unattended to can interfere with your everyday life. It has made me not want to go places or be seen. I constantly worry about what people are thinking of me, even though I know most people are probably wrapped up in worrying about themselves. And yet, that doesn’t stop the negative thoughts from racing through my mind.

Pregnant and Postpartum Mental Health Challenges and Risk Factors

Becoming a mom brings changes which can trigger struggles with pregnancy and postpartum mental health. There are a variety of risk factors that can contribute to depression. I experienced depression for the first time during pregnancy, and it completely took me by surprise. Here are some risk factors that may contribute to depression during pregnancy and postpartum mental health.

Sometimes Depression Feels Like a Cage

Depression feels like a mental cage.

It’s frustrating when my brain keeps me from doing things I know I can do. I feel like a cheetah trapped in a cage when I could be running up to 90mph if given the chance. But I am not free.

10 Sweet Motherhood Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Motherhood can be hard to sum up in just one quote. When you’re looking for a sweet motherhood quote to share with a friend who is struggling or just want to feel more connected to yourself and the important work you are doing, I hope these heartwarming motherhood quotes can help.

Why People With Depression Don’t Reach Out For Help

“Reach out for help.” This is such a simple phrase. But putting those words into action feels anything but simple when you are in the throes of depression. I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years and I know that I should tell someone when I’m struggling and reach out for help. But there is a huge mental block that often prevents me from doing so. And it’s not for the reasons that you might think.