A Letter to Labor and Delivery Nurses

This post contains affiliate links.  Please read our disclosure policy for full details. Dear Labor and Delivery Nurses: Your work is so very important and special.  Unfortunately it is often underappreciated. Doctors often get the credit for the safe arrival of a healthy baby while you have spent the majority of the time caring for……

I Had a Natural Birth Against My Will

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for full details. My water broke when I was 38 weeks pregnant with my third baby boy. I was soooo ready to get that baby out! It had been a rough pregnancy. It was about 6:00 in the evening so I ate dinner before heading to……

Motherhood Has Made Me Stupid

Yeah, you read that right. I feel like I’ve literally become stupider after having children. I used to have a very sharp memory and could organize my thoughts easily. I used to think the term “mom brain” was a cop out. But just like everything else related to motherhood, I got a swift kick in……

I Wasn’t Prepared to be a Mom

This post contains affiliate links.  Please read our disclosure policy for full details. I had my first baby in 2010 and to be honest, I didn’t know much about being a mother at all. I’m not sure how the universe allowed me to have a child when I was so clueless about everything.  As a……