Top 5 Children’s Books to Get for Christmas

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Every year I love adding new children’s books to our shelves. Giving books as stocking stuffers or gifts opens up new worlds for my kids beyond what any toy can give. Sure, they love playing with toys, and we definitely give those as gifts, too. But sometimes the interest in certain toys fades quickly, while I’ve found that interest in books seems to be long-lasting and passed down through all three of my boys. I’ve rounded up a few of our long-time favorite children’s books along with some new discoveries.

1. Little Kids First Big Book of Space

All of my kids have loved these “Kids First” National Geographic series, particularly the Little Kids First Big Book of Space and the Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs. We have read them over and over again and they never get tired of reading facts about planets and dinosaurs. They come with lots of colorful pictures and there is enough information to keep you reading for hours, or you can break it up by reading one chapter or section at a time. I like that the book is divided up into sections so that you don’t have to commit to reading the entire thing in one sitting.

2. Be: Be Unique. Be Courageous. Be Kind.

This is a new book with a positive message about all the things a children can “be.” Be: Be Unique. Be Courageous. Be Kind. has beautiful illustrations accompany the encouraging words on each page. What we love about this books is that it celebrates diversity with a huge emphasis on kindness. Above all the things we want for our children, we want them to be kind. We want them to celebrate their talents and find value in their uniqueness and in the differences of others.

My oldest child loves to read this to my youngest over and over.

3. Llama Llama Holiday Drama

We love the Llama llama series! Each book has a different theme/story line that focuses on a struggle or challenge that Llama llama faces and how to overcome it in a positive way. It doesn’t whitewash difficult emotions, but rather walks the children through them to find a resolution. Llama Llama Holiday Drama adds a fun Christmas/holiday twist to the series that we enjoy.

4. The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors

My kids are in love with this book that tells the alleged backstory to this popular game. It’s got action, humor, and the fun of it being related to a game they already know. After we read it, my kids always want to play rock paper scissors with each other for quite a while, which keeps them busy so mama can slip away for a few minutes! You can grab The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors on Amazon.

5. The Ninjabread Man

This is a fun twist on a classic tale that includes repetition and rhyme which are great for children to enhance their speech and vocabulary. The story is a lot of fun, and at the very end a recipe is included to make your own “Ninjabread Cookies”. I think that is what my kids like most of all!

There you have it! These books are bound to become well-loved staples in your home that your children will enjoy for years. Even as I pulled out these books to take pictures of them for this blog post, my kids got excited and wanted to read them again!

Looking for more book recommendations for kids?

Check out a few of our favorites here!

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  1. These are all fabulous suggestions. I did not know National Geographic had a children’s age book. Adding the to my list.

  2. Such good suggestions! The National Geographic ones are on our list and we LOVE the Llama Llama series!

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