You Belong, So Believe It

Posted in:Faith, Parenthood

Everyone has a place in this life, whether they believe it or not. A few weeks ago, I was able to internalize that concept in a way I hadn’t done before. It was extremely touching to be able to connect with other women and mothers and realize we have so much in common with each other as fellow humans on this Earth. I really believe we are more alike than different. Here’s why.


My Baby Grew Up And I Didn’t Even Know It

Posted in:Parenthood

It happened just like that. You’re not a baby anymore. When you decided to potty train yourself over a year ago as a toddler, I thought it was a fluke. “Surely he’ll regress,” I thought. My other boys were much older when they potty trained. I didn’t want to set my expectations too high. When……


My Husband Fainted While I Was in Labor

Posted in:Parenthood

Anything can happen during labor. I had complications with my epidural, one of which was my husband passing out. Find out what happened afterwards and how you can avoid this happening when you give birth to your baby.

What It Feels Like to Be a Mom Who Wants to Die

Posted in:Mental Health, Parenthood

During my third pregnancy I suddenly plunged into a level of darkness that I never knew. Getting through each day became harder and harder and I eventually hit my breaking point. The conflicting emotions of depression and loving your children makes this struggle all the more painful.


The Real Reason for the Rock N Play Recall

Posted in:Car Seat Safety, Parenthood

Do you have questions about the Rock ‘n Play recall? Is the rock and play recall just because of parents who didn’t follow directions, or something else? Learn more about the mechanics and reasoning behind the Rock n Play recall, along with some other information you might not know!

The Power of Showing Up

Posted in:Faith, Parenthood

We aren’t meant to go through life alone. Our children, our families, and our friends need us to show up…both physically and mentally. Read about how the action of being there for someone leaves a powerful impact upon them.