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My anxiety tries to tell me I must control everything. I can get so worked up by the smallest things and I am learning how to talk myself down. It’s a difficult process, but one that I’m learning is very important for my mental health.
Because I CAN’T control everything. And thinking that I can is a dangerous, vicious cycle.

So I remind myself of these truths:
1. I can’t force others to make good choices. I can only love them and share the best “me” I can be.
2. I am not responsible for the mistakes other people make, even if it affects me. And some things have nothing to do with me at all.
3. Taking or not taking certain actions will not necessarily change what happens. If my actions are of significance to a person or situation, God will tell me, and I will have peace moving forward.
4. I can’t let fear rule my life. Anticipating the worst won’t make today (or tomorrow) better. Even if my fears come true, I know God will take care of me.
5. Projecting my fears on others will not make me feel better. Asking others (besides professionals) to help fix my negative thoughts will not help. Facing my fears head-on by evaluating them, redirecting myself, and staying close to the spirit are what will help.
6. Most things that happen around me are out of my hands. Most problems resolve themselves and work out. And if they don’t, it’s not the end of the world.
7. God has been with me this far, and I know I need to trust He will continue to stay by my side.
8. No matter what happens tomorrow, I have today. I’m grateful for the life I’ve lived so far.
9. If today wasn’t a good day, tomorrow can be better. Today’s struggle is temporary and it will not last forever.
10. One day, God will make all the wrong things in the world right, even if it’s not until after this earthly life is over.
Anxiety tries to tell me that striving for control will make me feel better. But it never will.
I know this.
So every day I fight to remember what IS real and what IS true, even when every other part of me doesn’t want to. Even when my anxiety is yelling at me, screaming at me, to prepare for the worst and to try to change it.
I have to listen to the still small voice that whispers to me: You are not in control.
It takes such great effort to listen to that quiet truth. Sometimes I fail. But I keep trying.
And that is life with anxiety.
P.S. One last thing that helps me in rough moments is CalmiGo. CalmiGo is a small device that coaches you through deep breathing exercises. It has worked for me as well as one of my children who also struggles. It’s a way to find quick relief by enabling your body to quiet the “anxious” nervous system and activate the “calming” nervous system. If you want to try it out, you can also use my code DRIVINGMOMCRAZY for a discount!

I understand this exactly. I’m with you! 🙂